Job Interviewing in the Digital Age
Racing Toward Diversity Magazine |
Job Interviewing in the Digital Age
 Unlimited resources are at your fingertips with one click of a mouse. Remember these few pre-interview tips in order to succeed in landing your dream JOB IN today’s world.
1. Do your homework – When applying to JOBS ON Racing Toward Diversity Magazine, check out the employer profile first to learn more about the company. Before an interview, take the next STEP to learn their history, vision and mission in order to show initiative to the interviewer.
2. Use your social media expertise – Connect with the company as many ways as possible. Find any and all social media pages and interact with them with likes, shares and retweets. You never know who’s watching.
3. Make mental (or even physical) notes – Jot down any topics you found interesting that the company posted on their WEBSITE or social media site and use them to start an educated discussion. This will show the interviewer just how interested you are in the company.